WhatsApp and More with the Mi Band 3

Under $30 Heart Rate and Notifications!

Update: $23.99 with the code IVBAND3 and this link

What would it take to interest you in a heart rate monitor? For me, cost and being waterproof were the big sellers. The Mi Band 3 filled those needs and more! 

I have used the Mi Band 3 for more than a month now and keep finding amazing things it is useful for. First, our school stopped using bells to dismiss the kids. Solution? I added silent alarms 3 min before the end of each class... While instructing, I get a nifty little shake of the wrist to know I have that amount of time to wrap up that we are doing. 

Another amazing feature is the notifications.  Users asked me what messaging apps work with the Mi Band 3 after I shared my unboxing video on YouTube. 
I am continually finding new things to like about the Mi Band 3. If you have any questions, fire away. 

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!
