Looking for a 3D printer? Check out this idea!

A makerspace in your home!

Believe it or not you can join the 3D printer revolution for about 150 dollars. The catch is that you end up with a box and a YouTube move to learn how to assemble it. I built one with my pop and the experience was awesome. After about 6 hrs of building we had a working 3D printer and I knew exactly how it all functioned.  I am offering this to students at Harbor Lights school as well. If your parents are willing to buy the printer, I will help you build and tune it on a Saturday.   Check out the video, and then peruse the links. If you are interested or have questions, shoot me a note.  I will also add the links to the potential printers below the clip.

Cr10 Minihttps://www.gearbest.com/3d-printers-3d-printer-kits/pp_778274.html?lkid=12717857$299.00
