Is it possible to have too many rockets?

Rockets Everywhere!

Vroom! Our rockets blast into thin air, or across our computer screens. Either way students are always excited when we work with rockets. Students in Mod Tech experience rockets using the Phun Physics simulator and TinkerCAD using our computers. They are a ton of fun and it is neat to see how each student approaches the project in their own way.

Students also build straw and water rockets in the Space Exploration module. These are both really interesting and free for the students. The straw rockets are small, but the pack the most educational punch as we are able to launch them right in the classroom. Chromebooks are used to record launch data at 45, 60 and 90 degrees and varying power levels.

Check out the video's below to see the impact of rockets on student interest.

Thanks for reading and let me know if the comments what think of the videos!
