IMPACT! How the 1:1 devices at Harbor Lights school are improving things in Modular Technolgy

1:1 and TinkerCad is awesome!

Does your school have 1:1 devices? We joined that crowd in November and I am pleased to say that I am continually finding new ways for them to benefit learning.

One benefit has been that I can create tidbits of training that I would like the kids to explore, but do not really have time to dedicate to it in the classroom. TinkerCAD is one that comes to mind. It is a nifty kid friendly design tool that is fun and quite powerful even on a Chromebook. I have posted short YouTube clips that give instructions for basic creations for the students. What is amazing is the number of students that are using the training that are not even in Modular Technology.  The ability to reach students that are not even on my course list is really amazing.

Another benefit is that I have taken a portion of the training for the Graphic Design module and posted it to YouTube as well. Couple that with switching to a online design tool that the students can access from a Chromebook and now student can choose to complete the lessons on their own schedule.

Finally we have started using Twitter for some fun events like our daily #HLPOD (Harbor Lights Print of the Day) give away. Students share items from Thingiverse and the one that gets the most
likes and retweets gets printed each day.

If you are interested in checking out any of the videos above, visit the HLModTech YouTube channel by following this link.
